Happy Hump Day
The disaster recovery work continues and I won't get those wedding pictures until the end of the week, so this week I give you a couple BSPs (blatant self promotions), a couple funnies, and a belated Father's Day aw.
First, the BSPs...
I had a couple short stories published last month that I missed mentioning in the chaos of weddings, tornadoes, and such. The first was released at Malice Domestic, which sadly I was unable to attend. MYSTERY MOST EDIBLE is a fabulous collection of "36 original tales with a culinary bent", including my "Sticky Fingers" - a story of murder, revenge, and cupcakes. You can find it here.

The second is THE BEST LAID PLANS, edited by Judy Penz Sheluk. This collection of 21 stories has something for any fan of mystery and suspense and I'm delighted my story, "Deadly Dinner", is sharing these pages with so many talented writers. It's available here.
Now your hump day funnies. They're all visual this week...
Well, they got it half right. Sort of.
The next one is for all you mystery/crime writers.
Just move on. Nothing to see here.
I'm a little late on a Father's Day "aw", But when I saw this picture, I couldn't resist.
Did you say it?
That's it for today. I hope you found a chuckle or a smile to help you over the mid-week hump and sailing toward a fantastic weekend. Did you have a favorite?
Have a great week.
Thought for Today:
Common sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden.
(Boy, ain't that the truth?)
Hi LD - well life goes on doesn't it ... the books look interesting and I'm sure your culinary stories are fun ...
Love the funnies - as too the Father's Day ... aw Dad ...
Common sense - nothing common about that ????
Take care - enjoy your weekend .. cheers Hilary
Congratulations on the two anthologies!
I've followed vehicles like that before...
Congrats on getting your stories into those anthologies! Good for you! In response, I just ordered the one about best-laid plans, but I'll probably end up getting the foodie one, too. (Will it affect my waistline? Not that I care... just asking! HA!)
Congrats on the anthologies! Do you get any proceeds on the sales?
Congrats! Two anthologies is quite the feat.
One of our cats leaves things in the litter box that smell worse than death. LOL
Huge congratulations on the two anthologies! That's awesome. Love the visuals. Have a great weekend and take care of yourself.
Congrats on your short stories!
P.S. Glad you liked the Cologne photos from my recent post. Cologne was such a beautiful city. Glad we had the opportunity to visit.
Well done on the short stories. It's always a buzz when you open a page and see something you've written there. It's still a buzz when you open the same page some years later - small pleasures on my part :).
I liked the gorilla photo and am in awe of your confidence that it's male ; )
Congrats on the anthologies! :)
Definitely got an Awww from me!
Hilary - It does, and too quickly.
Alex - Thank you.
Susan F. S. - I can't speak for the other authors, but I definitely removed all the calories from my story so you're safe.
Stacy - Most of the anthologies I'm in were a single payment, but I have a couple which included royalties. I didn't know a publisher would cut a check for 46 cents. Lol!
Diane - Thank you. And the newlyweds just adopted two kitties. I'll have to ask them about the litter box.
Mason - Thanks and I'm glad you liked the funnies. Take care.
Liz - Thank you. And I really did enjoy that post.
Mike - Thanks. It is a neat feeling. And I may be wrong but I got a "daddy" vibe so I went with it.
Jemi - Thanks. Don't you love a good "aw"?
Congratulations! Love the gorilla with the baby :)
Marcy - Thanks. Glad you liked it.
awesome article.
thanks for sharing :)
Thanks for the smiles and the awww.
Happy 4th of July tomorrow!
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