Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Who's the Birdbrain?


I'm an idiot. No, really. I appreciate you disagreeing (you did disagree, right?) but I have proof.

I love birds. I have a half dozen feeders around my back yard filled with various kinds of seed, and two bird baths - one heated to ensure they have drinking water in the winter. I especially like the feeder that hangs from a hook clamped to the deck railing because it brings my little feathered friends close to the kitchen window.  It's the type with a plastic seed container inside a metal cage. The cage is on a spring that causes it to drop when anything heavier than a bird (i.e. a squirrel) lands on a perch, so that it covers the feeding ports and keeps the seed for birds only. 

A couple of months ago I did a routine cleaning of all my feeders, which involved taking them apart to wash the insides. Since then I noticed the deck feeder wasn't being visited as usual. Birds would land on the perches but not stay to eat. This often means there's a predator in the area and I did spot a hawk a few times. But even when there were birds at all the other feeders, this one was ignored. Once or twice a week I would dump the seed onto the paving stones under the feeder and re-fill it with fresh, just in case the seed was the problem. The seed I poured onto the stones was quickly scarfed up by both birds and squirrels but the feeder remained abandoned. I was confused and a bit disappointed. 

This morning, I went to dump the untouched seed from that feeder and put in new, and something strange caught my eye. When I took it off the hook, the cage moved in my hand and covered the feeding ports, as expected, but when I hung it on the hook and let go, the cage was still covering the ports. At first I thought the spring was broken but the cage was moving up and down just fine. I took the feeder down again and studied it more closely.  None of the feeding ports matched up to the openings in the cage or to the perches. The last time I'd taken the feeder apart, I'd put the cage on sideways (rotated 90 degrees). The birds weren't eating the seed because they couldn't get to it. 

It took me MONTHS to figure this out.

I'm an idiot!

The feeder is now fixed and we'll see how long it takes for some brave soul to check it out and realize the chow line is open again. Hopefully, they'll be quicker than I was. 

For Hump Day...a friend sent me this. I'm not sure which dog shaming site it came from, but I love it... especially the part about not living near a beach.

Something a little different for your "aw" this week.

 Did you say it?  I did.

That's all for today.  I hope my little bout of idiocy gave you a laugh. 

For my Jewish friends, I wish you a joyous and blessed Passover. 

For my Christian friends, I wish you a joyous and blessed Easter.

See you next week.

Thought for this week: 


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Haha on the bird feeder. I'm sure they'll be back. Poor doggy. Why would he eat a seashell. We'll be seeing the new fawns soon in our backyard. They're so delicate looking when they're babies.

LD Masterson said...

Susan G/K - You get fawns in your backyard? That's awesome. I'd love that. I get birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and a raccoon who shows up every spring to have her babies under our deck and harass my Sophie.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

LOL! You were frustrating the birds all to heck.

Maria Zannini said...

At least you figured it out.

I'm sure the birds were shaking their little fists at you.

re: deer
That's a bad word around me. I've got one that keeps snacking on my landscaping. She doesn't even have the decency to walk away when she sees me.

I'm so disrespected.

Powdered Toast Man said...

We all do stupid things but most of us figure it out in less than w months.

LD Masterson said...

Diane - It's a good thing I can't translate birdsong.

Maria - I'm sure they were. And I understand - to me, they're adorable, to you they're just plain destructive.

Powered Toast Man - Hence my opening line.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Yes, I laughed at your bird feeder story. I think we all do stupid stuff like that at least once in our lives. And then it makes for a good story!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi LD - oh dear poor birds ... if you'd had Dr Doolittle around you'd have had a few words said in your direction! But glad it's sorted for them. Delightful fawn ... cheers and have a peaceful Easter - Hilary

Mason Canyon said...

Love the bird feeder story. It's something we all do from time to time. It's being able to laugh at ourselves about it that matters. Cute dog and love the fawn photo. Wishing you and your family a safe and happy holiday weekend.

LD Masterson said...

Stacy - The only upside to feeling foolish.

Hilary - He's never around when we need him. LOL

Mason - Thank you. And to you.

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Lordy! I would have felt silly stupid too. But glad you figured it out as I'm sure the birds are happy too!

LD Masterson said...

Vicki - Yup, they've figured out the the kitchen is open again and they're chowing down.

Kaye George said...

Oh man! That bird feeder thing sounds just like me. Glad you figured it out!!

LD Masterson said...

Kaye - Thanks. Me, too. The birds even moreso.

Mike Keyton said...

Great story, Linda, but this:one about your birdbath being :

heated to ensure they have drinking water in the winter. is one step too far. I mustn't let my wife see that. :)

LD Masterson said...

Mike - Um, would you give me her email address?