Happy Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving week here in the states so I'm going to vary from my usual hump day post today to share a few thoughts on the holiday. (To my friends in other lands who aren't celebrating a holiday this week, please bear with me.)
There's a lot of controversy right now on the subject of stores opening on Thanksgiving afternoon or evening to get a jump on the "Black Friday" shopping frenzy. I don't think it's about the stores...it's about the shoppers. If any of these stores open tomorrow and no one comes to shop because it's a special holiday, next year the store will probably stay closed. I do not expect this to happen.
Does anyone remember Blue Laws? When I was growing up in Massachusetts, stores weren't allowed to open on Sunday, because..well, it was Sunday. (Pharmacies were allowed to open but could only sell medicines or first aid supplies.) Sundays were for church and for families. Then the laws were repealed in some areas and people would drive to those areas on Sunday to shop, and the laws slowly disappeared. Now we all shop on Sunday and no one thinks anything of it.
In a few years, I imagine Thanksgiving will be just another shopping day and Christmas will be the last day considered "special" enough to put our need to consume on hold for one day. Until it isn't.
It's up to us, of course.
A word of thanks here to all those who have always worked on "holidays" - police, firefighters, health care providers...all those whose work must be done every day for the sake of the rest of us. Bless you all.
This Thanksgiving will be a hard one for our family because of an empty place at the table. I know a few of you are facing the same thing. My prayers are with you.
But I have so much to be thankful for this year, the list would fill this post and several more. So I'll go with the biggie: tomorrow both of my sons and daughters-in-law and all the grandkids will be here with hubby and me to enjoy a traditional turkey dinner. Doesn't get much better than that.
Will you share something you're thankful for this week?
Now let me close with a couple of my favorite Thanksgiving funnies...
Those two always get me.
Don't forget to share something you're thankful for this week.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, or if this isn't a holiday week where you are, just have a wonderful week and I'll see you here next Wednesday.
Thought for Today:
Years from now, will they remember that 'great' gift you scored on sale, or the special times you shared?