Well, TGIF, gang.

In fact, if I get 20 entries in the giveaway drawing, I'll give away a copy to two lucky winners.
So if you missed that post, go back and leave a comment here.
Looking ahead... on September 5, it will be my pleasure to host author Marilyn Meredith who will be telling us about her latest release, Raging Water. Marilyn's also got a very special contest for us, so you won't want to miss it.
And on September 17, I'll be having fun with Alex Cavanaugh's latest blogfest, Genre Favorites.
Switching from books to TV. When I was a kid (back in the dark ages), we had the three networks and maybe PBS and one independant channel that mostly showed old movies. New programming was on from fall to early spring. Summer meant reruns.
Then came cable networks. Now some of my favorites are wrapping up their season in the fall and the cliffhangers are everywhere. My favorite favorite? Burn Notice. Mike, Fi, Sam, and Jesse stranded in Panama after Mike's boss at the CIA tried to have them killed.
How about you? Are you a fan of any summer cable network shows? What's your favorite? Did it end the season in a cliffhanger?
Funny of the Day: (Someone told me this one today and I've just got to pass it along.)
It's Easter and the pastor has called all the little children, dressed in their Easter finery, to the front of the church to sit around him.
"Today is Easter," he tells them, "and you all look so beautiful. Today we're going to talk about the resurrection. Does anyone know what the resurrection is?"
One little boy raises his hand and the pastor says, "Wonderful. Will you tell us what the resurrection is?"
The boy answers, "I'm not exactly sure but I know if you get one lasting more than four hours, you gotta call a doctor."